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3,651 people quoted or mentioned.


Saadat, Marshall Kaleem
Global chiefs discuss air power
Sabo, George
Sabo inducted into Pentagon Hall of Heroes •
Sabo, Leslie H.
President presents Medal of Honor to Vietnam hero's widow •
Sabo inducted into Pentagon Hall of Heroes •
Sabo-Brown, Rose Mary
President presents Medal of Honor to Vietnam hero's widow •
Sabo inducted into Pentagon Hall of Heroes •
Sabol, Marshall K.
Headquarters Air Force realigns similar to 'J-staff' model
Sabol, Steven R.
Department Recognizes 28 Civilian, Military Personnel for Enabling Disability Inclusion
Sacchetti, Andrea Lynn
Multi-service winners honored at Woman's History Month event •
Sacchetti, Lynn
Multi-service winners honored at Woman's History Month event •
Sacci, Joseph
Fitness advisor in a box helps Airmen pass fitness tests •
Sadat, Anwar
Captain cares for pets left behind in Egypt
Saddler, Richard H.
Presidential Rank awardees save Army $20 billion
Safko, Michael
Government computers are not ours Misuse can lead to UCMJ actions
Sagris, Robert
New language-training detachments preparing Soldiers for Afghanistan
Sakato, George Joe
40 Bronze Stars awarded to Japanese-American vets •
Salanitro, Joseph
New Jersey Air National Guard troops serve, supply
Salazar, Jesse
Supply Chain Resiliency Is Whole-of-Government Effort
Salazar, Steven L.
Iraqi army shows great growth in year
Sallaway, Brandon
With no bullets, Mobile High-Energy Laser shoots drones from sky •
Saltzman, B. Chance
Nominee to Lead Space Force Testifies Goals, Priorities Before Senate Committee
Space Force Focuses on Partnerships, Spirit, Combat Readiness
Air Force to Re-Introduce Warrant Officer Rank, Other Major Changes
In Fifth Year, Space Force Commander Details Service's Stellar Accomplishments
Space Force Marks Half-Decade of Service •
Samreth, Rene
Department Recognizes 28 Civilian, Military Personnel for Enabling Disability Inclusion
Samuels, Alan
White House honors 'Champion of Change' for Afghanistan energy-saving •
Sanchez, Humberto A.
'Over-the Horizon' Air Strike Kills 2 High-Profile ISIS-K Targets
Sanchez, Justin C.
DARPA's mind-controlled robotic arm does everything •
Sanchez, Loretta
Commanders must lead efforts to combat sexual assaults
Sanchez, Pablino
Marine's military ambition spurred by duty to country
Sanchez, Scott
Total Force provides CAS to troops in Najaf
Sanders, Kennedy L.
3 U.S. Service Members Killed, Others Injured in Jordan Following Drone Attack
Austin to Call Families of Fallen Soldiers
Austin: Americans Have a Right to Know if Leaders' Health Challenges May Affect Their Duties
Sanders, Milton W.
Smithsonian opens new facility •
Sandlin, George
'Sergeant Firewall' promotes information assurance at LandWarNet •
Sandoval, Jeremy
Servicemembers have ball at inaugural event •
Sandza, Richard
5 named 'Service Members of Year' for 2013 •
Santiago, Mary M.
Hiring event goes virtual to reach more veterans
Sarratt, Mindy
Child-care test program provides peace of mind
Sasae, Kenichiro
WWII vet gets 'Order of the Rising Sun' from Japan's ambassador •
Saslav, Adam
Officer credits hospital team, Army family with saving daughter's life •
Saslav, Delaney
Officer credits hospital team, Army family with saving daughter's life •
Sasseville, Marc H.
Guard Pilot Who Flew Over D.C. Following 9/11 Likened Attacks to Modern-Day Pearl Harbor
Satchell, Craig
Intramural Flag Football MG scores early, often, beats TRANS, 33-0
Satel, Sally
Academy panel: Problem-causers a minority
Saunders, Christian
DOD Official: Iran's Military Strength Relies Partly on Nonstate Actors
Sawner, Tom
Better than aviation education is a really cool patch •
Sbragia, Chad L.
China Pursues Own Nuclear Triad, Doubling of Nuclear Capability
China's Africa Investments Could Benefit All If International Rules Are Obeyed
Scales, Michael
Black letter initial flight AGS crew puts up first 'perfect' aircraft in nearly two years •
Scaparrotti, Curtis M.
Send More Boats, Eucom Commander Tells Senate
Challenging Russian Information Operations Requires Whole-of-Government Approach
Scarborough, Joe
Army chief celebrates service's 237th birthday in 'Big Apple'
Scargill, Joe
Agent Who Lept to Protect Jackie Kennedy, Recognized by Home State
Schaefer, Mark
Senior leadership development opportunities open for Army civilians
Schantz, Henry
AF participates in Veterans Day tribute at Redskins' game
Schaub, Gary J.
Service Members Find Civilian Career Opportunities Through SkillBridge
Scheck, Roland
Vietnam War Commemoration committee honors Kettles, fellow vets •
Vietnam War aviator inducted into Pentagon's 'Hall of Heroes' •
Schei, Ashley
Army cooks aim for speed, flavor, skill in culinary competition •
Scheuneman, Bill
At Rolling Thunder, veterans, supporters, draw attention to prisoners of war, missing in action •
Schiess, Douglas A.
Spacecom, Space Force Officials Discuss Planetary Defense, Astronaut Launch
Schindler, Micah
Humidity is key in keeping cool •
Schlecht, Herbert
Local AFSA donates money to veterans
Schmidt, Craig
Medal of Honor awarded to Capt. Gary M. Rose for actions in Laos •
Schmidt, Lisa
Officials release fitness-test details
Waist size reflects whole health
AF releasing new fitness instruction
Schmidt, S. Todd
Vice chief kicks off 'Quad A' by recognizing innovators •
Schmitt, Will
New 'Overlays' Provide Guide on Path to Zero Trust
Schmitz, Jared M.
'Over-the Horizon' Air Strike Kills 2 High-Profile ISIS-K Targets
Schmukler, Jay
C-133 Cargomaster returning to Dover Air Force Base
Schneider, Karl F.
Sony's 'Play Station' division signs up with Army in PaYS partnership
Presidential Rank awardees save Army $20 billion
Schoomaker, Eric B.
Walter Reed Commander Promoted to Surgeon General
Surgeon general: No cause for alarm with swine flu •
Walter Reed marks one century of Soldier care •
'Real Warriors' takes aim at mental health stigma
Vaccine shows promise in preventing HIV
Surgeon general: Improving medevac times requires balancing act
Record keeping may be responsible for prescription spike
Surgeon general: Nothing to hide at WTUs
Aggressive treatment of pain prevents future complications
Study focuses on mental health of force in Afghanistan
Schoomaker, Peter J.
Preston retires after record SMA stint
Schrader, Patrick
Soldier testifies to Congress on body armor •
Schreck, Charles F.
SAV Team evaluates DAFB Y2K readiness Dover Team, base prepared for date rollover
Schreck, Frank
Wing demonstrates its preparedness for Y2K
Schriever, Bernard A.
Space program pioneers meet AF leaders
Schriver, Randall
Disputes Between U.S. Allies Hinder Indo-Pacific Security Cooperation
Schroeder, Jessica
DOD Honors Sexual Assault Prevention, Response Professionals
Schroeder, Kraig
Survival equipment keeps pilots afloat •
Schröter, Gerhard
LEAP award winners lauded at Pentagon ceremony
Schulteis, Timothy
Alternate fuel-powered B-52 to fly in September
Schultz, Charlyston
Servicemembers become U.S. citizens at White House •
Schultz, Peggy
'Open season' begins for federal employee health care •
Schwan, Kurt
Island paradise for missile defense •
Schwartz, Errol R.
Troops at MAPEX prepare to support inauguration •
13,000 service members to support 58th presidential inauguration •
Schwartz, James
National Capital Region first responders train for Pentagon disaster •
Schwartz, Mark C.
U.S., Allies Remember Operation Market Garden
Schwarzkopf, Herbert Norman
Schwarzkopf, architect of Operation Desert Storm, dies at 78
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Former Centcom Chief of Staff Assumes Role of Commander
Scobee, Richard W.
Reserve Components Are Focused on Readiness, Leaders Say
Scolese, Chris
National Reconnaissance Office Looks for More Commercial Services
Scott, Bill A.
Dover Team members get STEP promotion; Wing commander delivers stripes over holidays •
Scott, Brian
Army birthday ball a celebration of Soldiers, history •
Scott, David J.
New aggressor units expand training capabilities
Scott, Donald
'You Make Us ALL Proud' Esper Tells Pensacola First Responders
Scott, Michael
Ten best technologies recognized by Army
Scott, William A.
436th AW receives new enlisted leader
Scowcroft, Brent
General Moseley knighted for contributions to international relations
Scruggs, Jan
Veterans, Officials Mark 75th Anniversary of Key WWII Battle •
Scusa, Michael
President awards Medal of Honor to hero of COP Keating •
Romesha inducted into Pentagon Hall of Heroes
SeLegue, Phillip
DOD Extends 'Firefly,' Related 'FireGuard' Support to Extinguish Wildfires
Seager, Russell
President says nation will always remember Fort Hood casualties
Seamands, Thomas C.
Recruiting force remains unchanged, despite shrinking goals
Sexual assaults down across Army, SHARP program director says
Searcy, Robert
Fuels keeps fliers flying, drivers from walking
Sears, Stephen C.
Thousands of officers to face boards for early separation •
Sedney, David S.
Afghanistan surge won't change plans to up dwell time
Selfridge, Thomas E.
Army celebrates century of military aviation •
Seligman, Martin E. P.
Soldiers learning to 'bounce back' in Philly •
Sellers, Keith
Tens of thousands draw attention to POWs, MIAs as part of Rolling Thunder XXVII •
Selva, Paul J.
Senate Youth Program 'Delegates' Meet DOD Leaders at Pentagon •
Marine Corps Wife Earns Honors as Military Spouse of the Year •
Semanoff, Peter
After Nearly 75 Years, 'Eagle 7' Tankers Pinned With Bronze Stars •
Seminara, Dayne K.
Department Recognizes 28 Civilian, Military Personnel for Enabling Disability Inclusion
Senkowski, Neil
Airmen evacuate hurricane victims
Senter, Scott
PEO Soldier showcases gear at Pentagon •
Serna, Orlando
Army cooks aim for speed, flavor, skill in culinary competition •
Serva, Marian
G-1, Pentagon employees remember 9/11 fallen •
Sette, Tullio Del
Painting by Army Soldier displayed in museum in Rome
Severn, Jake
West Point cadets drum up support in Pentagon •
Severns, Chase M.
5 named 'Service Members of Year' for 2013 •
Shadrach, Philip G.
Two Civil War Soldiers Receive Medal of Honor, Inducted Into Hall of Heroes
Shaffer, Alan R.
Defense Department Seeks to Achieve Agile, Adaptive Acquisition
Shaffer, Edward C.
Fuel cells increase range in unmanned aerial systems •
Shah, Naveed
Ground-breaking Soldiers, vets attend State of Union
Shamon, Evan
Enlistment marks 35th year of volunteer Army •
Shanahan, Jack
DOD Seeks Ethicist to Guide Artificial Intelligence Deployment
DOD Adopts 5 Principles of Artificial Intelligence Ethics
Shanahan, John
DOD Focuses Early AI Use on 'Low Consequence' Applications
Shanahan, Patrick M.
Shanahan: ISIS Crippled in Syria
Shanahan: Important Work Remains in Afghanistan
Acting Secretary Stresses Iraqi Sovereignty, Security in Visit to Baghdad
4 Things to Know About the U.S.-France Relationship
Space Force Looks to Stay Light-Years Ahead
Shanahan: Space Force to Preserve Margin of Dominance, $19 Trillion Economy
4 Things to Know About the U.S. Nuclear Deterrence Strategy
Shanahan: Space No Longer Peaceful
Shanahan: Next Big War May Be Won or Lost in Space
Defense Digital Service Delivers Mission-Aligned Tech for DOD
Shanahan: Partners Must Join U.S. in Investing in Indo-Pacific Region
DOD Sets Date to Begin 'Unwinding' Turkey From F-35 Program
Polish Defense Minister Visits F-35 Facility in Florida
U.S., Polish Leaders Agree to Increased American Presence in Poland
Shank, Bruce
Base gears up for air show
Shank, Chris
U.S. Will Pick Up Pace in Race to Space With China, DOD Official Says
Shapiro, Daniel B.
Defense Leaders Engage in Israel, United Arab Emirates
Shapiro, Steven A
Strategy charts path to fuel-efficient forward operating base
Shapps, Grant
Austin: In Troubling Times, World Needs U.S. Leadership
Sharp, Robert
Technology Proliferation, Influence Ops May Be as Disruptive as COVID-19
Sharp, Walter L.
USFK commander tells senators tours in Korea to be ‘normalized’ •
Sharpsten, Christopher J.
DOD, HHS Name Partners to Administer COVID-19 Vaccines in Long-Term Care Facilities
Shaud, John A.
Foundation seeking inputs for Air Force memorial
Shaver, Daniel P.
Army foundation unveils commemorative coins •
Shaw, John
Space Expansion Presents Opportunities, Challenges for DOD
Spacecom, Space Force Officials Discuss Planetary Defense, Astronaut Launch
Shaw, Rod
U.S., Poland finalize deal on F-16s
Sheftick, Gary
Reserve Centennial Headlines April Soldiers Magazine
Army sets 'leader-first' approach to full gender integration
Shehab, Alfred
On anniversary of D-Day invasion, Army recognizes WWII vets in Nation's Capital
Sheimo, Linda
Army must complete analysis before opening jobs to women
In April, Army to open 33,000 positions to women Soldiers
Sheipline, Robert
Civil Engineer Squadron hone deployment skills at Eagle Flag •
Sheldon, Freddie K.
Department Recognizes 28 Civilian, Military Personnel for Enabling Disability Inclusion
Shell, Donald
Military Exchanges Extinguish Vape Sales
Sheppard, Tracy
Army's Lean, Six Sigma practitioners free up $1.1 billion in 2015
Sherman, John
DOD Looks for More Robust, Enduring Telework Capacity
DOD Aims for New Enterprise-Wide Cloud by 2022
Spectrum Sharing is Way Ahead to Maintain Economic Dominance, Defense Official Says
CIO Recognizes Top Tech, Cyber Performers Across Defense Department
Department Names Vendors to Provide Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability
DOD Recognizes Top Technology, Cyber Performers
Sherman, John B.
DOD Makes Headway on Cloud Computing
Shero, Anissa A.
Air Force Special Operations loadmasters laid to rest in Arlington
Shields, Michael H.
Smaller Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency tackles new challenges •
Shilaikis, Rob
Identity theft criminals can steal lives
Shima, Terry
WWII vet gets 'Order of the Rising Sun' from Japan's ambassador •
Shinseki, Eric K.
Servicemembers have ball at inaugural event •
Army honors Gold Star Mothers at Pentagon
Shipley, Betty
Women aviators gather for film premier
Shipman, Michael
TDY escorts make Hodja Village, base, safer for all
Shirlee, Herbert L.
Base holds first NCO seminar
Shoffner, Wilson
Army reviews diversity in combat arms leadership
Shoffner, Wilson A.
New personnel system key to ferreting out untapped Soldier talent
Shrader, Joseph F.
Military Services Strengthen, Modernize Industrial Base
Improvements to Organic Industrial Base Prepare Services for Future Fight
Shumaker, Robert H.
Prisoners of War, Missing in Action, Remembered at Pentagon Ceremony
Shuttleworth, James
Air Force Special Operations loadmasters laid to rest in Arlington
Shuttleworth, Mary
Air Force Special Operations loadmasters laid to rest in Arlington
Shwedo, B.J.
Growth in DOD Telework Capability May Outlive Coronavirus Pandemic
Shyu, Heidi
Army to implement 63 Decker-Wagner acquisition recommendations
AUSA kicks off last winter symposium in Florida •
DOD Must Act Early to Extract Much-Needed Tech From Nation's Industrial Base
Simplified Human/Machine Interfaces Top List of Critical DOD Technologies •
DOD Kicks Off 17th Annual Engineers Week
Addressing DOD's Tech Focus Areas Requires New Approaches •
DOD Wants to Shepherd Small Business Innovators
DOD's Chief Technology Officer Shares Career Advice With Women STEM Majors
DOD Must Take Action to Keep Tech Edge
Air Force, DOD Plan to Create First Historically Black Colleges and Universities-led Affiliated Research Center
CHIPS Act Advances DOD's Emphasis on Microelectronics
Science, Technology Inform DOD Budget Request
DOD Seeks Increased Microelectronics Funding for FY 2024
DOD Develops STEM Talent Pool Through Scholarships, Internships
DOD Needs Solutions for the Proliferation of Autonomous Vehicles, Defense Official Says
Sibayan, Raul Pagaduan
Servicemembers become U.S. citizens at White House •
Siegfried, Val
Army Has Not Lowered Soldier Recruiting Standards
DOD sets joint standards for enlistee waivers
Army school helps recruits meet requirement for enlistment
Sijan, Lance P.
Misawa sergeant garners Air Force leadership award
Siler, Michael J.
Vice chief kicks off 'Quad A' by recognizing innovators •
Simard, Rene
Dover Air Force Base MARE goes well
Simms, Earl
Retired, current general officers mentor cadets •
Simpson, Daniel
DOD Recognizes 50 Years of Security Cooperation
Simpson, Randall
Soldiers school public about Army during 2012 JSOH •
Sims, James
Center shows glimpse of next-generation synthetic training •
Sims, John
Army's 'Ready and Resilient Campaign' kicks off
Sinek, Simon
SMA's new book club kicks off •
Singh, Bikram
In Asia-Pacific, Army policy not one of containment •
Singh, Dalbir
Indian Army chief discuss military-to-military engagements with CSA •
I Corps Pacific Pathways brings partner nations stateside to enhance readiness
Singh, Gagandeep
Sikhs gather for DOD-sponsored Vaisakhi celebration
Singh, Jason
Sikhs gather for DOD-sponsored Vaisakhi celebration
Singh, Linda
iSoldier looks at disaster aid, Army's best sappers
Singh, Rajnath
World's Two Largest Democracies Share Interest in Free Indo-Pacific Region
Singh, Sabrina
$400 Million Security Package Headed to Ukraine
U.S. Participates in Multi-carrier Exercise to Showcase Cohesion, Interoperability
Austin to Convene Meeting on Ukraine Defense
Multinational Exercise Defender 23 Kicks Off This Month in Europe
NATO Partners Prepare to Kick Off 'Formidable Shield' Exercise
Deputy Defense Secretary Departs This Weekend for Alaska
Senate Nominations Hold Stalls Hundreds of Military Leader Appointments
DOD Increases Military Presence Near Oman
DOD: Biggest Concern is to Bring Private King Home
U.S. Open to Training Ukrainian F-16 Pilots if Needed
AIM-9M Missiles, $250 Million in Additional Security Assistance Headed for Ukraine
U.S. Resumes ISR Flight Operations in Niger
With Government Shutdown, Troops Still Protect Nation, But Possibly Without Pay
Released From North Korea, U.S. Soldier Now in Texas
Continued Support to Ukraine, Replenishing Military Stocks: Priorities for Department
Even More General, Flag Officer Confirmations Hindered by Senate Hold
With Continuing Resolution, Service Members to Get Paid Through Holidays
AC-130 Strikes Iranian-Backed Militants Following Missile Attack
Search Continues in Japan for Downed Osprey Aircraft
More Osprey Crew Members Located in Japan
Change in ISIS Threat Means Evolution in Long-Term U.S.-Iraq Relationship
3 U.S. Service Members Killed, Others Injured in Jordan Following Drone Attack
5 Months With No Base Budget Affects Department's Modernization Efforts
Austin Released From Hospital Today
Singh Makes Case for 'Sustained, Timely Funding'
U.S. Committed to Stand With Ukraine 'For as Long as it Takes'
Austin Returns to Global Travel With Next Week's Ukraine Defense Contact Group
DOD Releases Usage Numbers for Reproductive Health Care Travel
Floating Piers, Cargo Ship With Aid for Gaza Face Weather Delays
Following 2-Day Pier Closure, 1,000 Tons of Aid Are Delivered to Gaza's Shore
U.S. Announces Latest Security Package for Ukraine
While JLOTS Mission Has Concluded, Several Million Pounds of Aid Remain to be Delivered
DOD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns
Senate Confirms More Than 6,000 Military Leaders for Promotions, New Positions
While Engaged in Helene Relief Efforts, DOD Prepares for Hurricane Milton
Soldiers Injured in Raid Earlier This Week Headed to Walter Reed
Israeli Strike in Iran Should Mark End of Tit For Tat Between Two Nations
DOD Will Work Quickly to Meet President's 'Surge' Commitment to Ukraine Support
Russians Launch New Missile at Dnipro, U.S. Provides Ukraine With New Tactical Weapons
Defense Leaders Engage in Israel, United Arab Emirates
Singh, Simratpal
Sikhs gather for DOD-sponsored Vaisakhi celebration
Turbans, beards, dreadlocks now permissible for some Soldiers
Sinise, Gary
'Spirit of Hope' awardees find unique ways to thank troops
Sinwar, Yahya
U.S. Strikes Underground Targets in Yemen
Siverio, Manuel F.
65th Infantry Regiment receives Congressional Gold Medal •
Skibinski, Edward
436th SUPS encourages members to turn in deployment gear
Skinner, Robert
DISA Director Says Common Access Card Showing Age
Skinner, Robert J.
Department Names Vendors to Provide Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability
DOD Makes Headway on Cloud Computing
Sklenka, Stephen D.
Time for Guam Missile Defense Build-Up Is Now
Slaney, Charles A.
Thousands of officers to face boards for early separation •
Slaton, Erika R.
Service Members Reap Benefits of Tax Law Changes
Slavonic, Gregory J.
After 75 Years, Veteran Will Receive Honors for WWII Service
World War II Vet, POW Who Endured 'Hell Ship,' Gets CIB, Promotion, POW Medal
World War II Veteran, Prisoner of War Dies at 99
Slewitzke, Connie
Hall of Fame inducts women Vietnam vets
Slife, James C.
Parent Services Integration a Top Priority for Special Operations Components
Slife, Jim
Sentinel Land-Based Nuclear Modernization Program Will Continue, With Changes
Sliwa, Steven
Army 'can't afford' not to have Rapid Equipping Force, leader says •
Sloane, Michael
New uniform for OEF protects Soldiers, hides them better
Slobodzien, Jim
Pilot program allows Soldier self-referral for alcohol treatment •
Slutman, Chris
President: America's Fallen Defended 'Vital, Beating Heart of Our Nation'
Small, Pete
DOD's Autonomous Vessel Sails Through Transit Test, Participates in Exercise Dawn Blitz
Small, Sean
Army celebrates birthday in Philadelphia with JROTC cadets •
Smalley, Mark
Future Combat Vehicles to be Hybrid Electric •
Smedley, Thomas
'Top line' Army messages featured on new display at AUSA •
Smith, Andrew Hopeton
Servicemembers become U.S. citizens at White House •
Smith, Carlos
Army wants 36 more 'Punisher' weapons in 2012
Smith, Daniel
Thousands lay wreaths at Arlington gravesites •
Smith, Dewey
Vietnam War Commemoration committee honors Kettles, fellow vets •
Vietnam War aviator inducted into Pentagon's 'Hall of Heroes' •
Smith, Don
Sabo inducted into Pentagon Hall of Heroes •
Smith, Earl
Ground-breaking Soldiers, vets attend State of Union
Smith, Eric M.
Refined precision-guided parachutes may be cure-all for overburdened Soldier
Senate Confirms 3 Defense Leaders
Even More General, Flag Officer Confirmations Hindered by Senate Hold
Smith, Errol
Language company first in Army
Smith, Frederick W.
Officials recognize company for contributions to war on terror
Smith, Jimmy D.
Naval history makes Philadelphia ideal location to recognize exemplary STEM personnel
Army officer recognized as top performer during 2016 BEYA conference •
Smith, Jonathan B.
Chicago-area Entrepreneurs Get Inside Story on Army
Smith, Julie
New Combat Chow Options Previewed at Pentagon •
Smith, Kara Anne
Thousands lay wreaths at Arlington gravesites •
Smith, Kelly
Registration Open for November's Inaugural 'Relationship Wellness Summit'
Smith, Kevin
RIC provides picture perfect intelligence to ONW commanders
Army aims to field new weapon sight that wirelessly pairs with night vision goggles
Smith, Lance L.
Fighters flying new missions, Airmen serving jointly
Five Airmen -- brothers in fight for freedom
Smith, Linda Olivia
Military family support professionals gather
Smith, Michael
Excess facilities must close, Army tells veterans
Smith, Michael A.
Airmen honored for earning CCAF degrees
Smith, Michael N.
GCV must be safe, affordable, full-spectrum capable
Army issues RFP for Ground Combat Vehicle
Smith, Paul R.
Prosthesis helps Medal of Honor hero stay with Rangers •
Smith, Randall
Airmen to see combat medal in April
Smith, Raymond
Veterans recall smells, cold of Korean War
Smith, Rickey E.
Presidential Rank awardees save Army $20 billion
Smith, Robert E.
Surgery increases vision, readiness
Smith, Spike
Army recognizes benefactors who support Soldiers
Smith, Steven W.
Cyber command to unite network defense efforts •
Smith, Travis
Army cooks aim for speed, flavor, skill in culinary competition •
Smith, Yvette
Volunteers give comfort by sewing •
Smithson, Lee W.
Soldiers remember Hurricane Katrina on 10th anniversary •
Smolen, Bob
Air Force Band kicks off Summer Concert Series at Memorial
Andrews AFDW to be centerpiece of AFDW
Smolen, Robert L.
Blood drive saves lives locally, abroad •
Airmen, civilians honored during AFDW awards •
U.S. Postal Service unveils new stamps at air show •
Smolinsky, Frank
Base gears up for air show
Smoyer, Clarence
After Nearly 75 Years, 'Eagle 7' Tankers Pinned With Bronze Stars •
Sneed, Warren
USS Safeguard searches for downed F-16s
Snell, Lucille
Air Force Band contender for AFA arts award
Snook, Tony
Geren Says Soldiers Moved Heaven and Earth to Repair Army Medicine •
Snow, Jeffrey J.
Army recruiting aims to reconnect with America, dispel myths
Snowden, Edward
Assume Networks Are Compromised, DOD Official Urges •
Snyder, Brad
Navy Paralympian proud to be back in uniform representing America
Soares, Daleth
AUSA kicks off last winter symposium in Florida •
Soleimani, Qasem
July 4th 'Salute to America' Honors U.S. Military Personnel
Soleimani, Qassem
Esper: Iran Has 'Big Off Ramp' to Avoid Further Conflict
Esper: Information Indicated 'Broad Scale' Attack Within 'Matter of Days'
Solhjem, Thomas
100-hour ground war to liberate Kuwait was no fluke, Milley says
Solomon, Amelia
Vehicle operators named 'team of the year'
Som, Dae-O
Korean War Federation member visits Memorial •
Somers, Richard
Fighting floods, drugs in Central, South America
Soo, Shin Kyoung
U.S., Korean reps lay wreath at war memorial •
Sorenson, Jeffrey A.
Building out network top priority for Army •
'Apps for Army' to shape future software acquisition
SoulË, Covert A.
Retired Air Force colonels ‘storm’ the Hill, visit Memorial •
SoulË, Iris
Retired Air Force colonels ‘storm’ the Hill, visit Memorial •
Sours, Buddy
Tens of thousands draw attention to POWs, MIAs as part of Rolling Thunder XXVII •
Sours, Carol
Tens of thousands draw attention to POWs, MIAs as part of Rolling Thunder XXVII •
Southhall, Monica
Army wins Warrior Care Month sitting volleyball tournament •
Soviak, Maxton W.
'Over-the Horizon' Air Strike Kills 2 High-Profile ISIS-K Targets
Spaatz, Carl
General Moseley knighted for contributions to international relations
Sparks, Jordan
Servicemembers have ball at inaugural event •
Speakes, Stephen M.
Soldier Body Armor was Tested, General Says •
Army Recognizes 85 Organizations for Logistics Excellence •
FCS capability accelerated for infantry •
Soldiers using FCS systems responsible for increased funding •
Army 'deadly serious' about replacement ground vehicle
G-8: Army must show taxpayers value, especially in recession
Specht, Christa
Veterans Have Options to Upgrade Discharge Characterization
Speer, Robert M.
35 future Soldiers take oath on Army's 242nd birthday
First fallen aviator of World War I honored with Distinguished Flying Cross
Acting Army Secretary: Army needs additional, predictable funding
Presidential Rank awardees save Army $20 billion
Spencer, Carmen J.
Safety top priority on chem-demil ship, officials say •
Spencer, Emily
EOD techs show Congress bomb disposal tools •
Spencer, Larry O.
5 named 'Service Members of Year' for 2013 •
Spencer, Richard V.
Esper Asks SEALs, Navy to Focus on Standards, Ethics
Spendlove, Eric V.
Recovery Operations Begin Following Osprey Mishap in Japan
Spillane, John
C-130 crew honored with Mackay Trophy
Spillman, Christopher
THAAD schoolhouse opens at Fort Sill
Air defense community needs large, collective exercise, says brigadier general
Spinney, Gerard T.
Success of First SFAB in Afghanistan Proves ‘Army Got it Right,’ Commander Says
Spirk, David
Warfighters, Decision-Makers at Center of DOD Data Strategy
Effective Use of Data in DOD Requires the Right Leaders
Spoehr, Thomas W.
Army to Get More Stryker NBC Recon Vehicles •
Tactical vehicle strategy includes fleet reduction
Spreadbury, Jonathan
Local incentive flight offers new perspective
Dover Air Force Base MARE goes well
St.John, Michael
CIO Recognizes Top Tech, Cyber Performers Across Defense Department
Staidle, Jerod
Prosthesis helps Medal of Honor hero stay with Rangers •
Stalker, Scott H.
Making a Difference Fuels Retention in Space, Cyber Commands
Stall, Brian
Soldiers in Korea get full-spectrum training
Stamaris, Daniel
Former POW now leading advocate for resilience training •
Stambersky, Peter
New first aid kit includes eye protection, strap cutter •
Stamilio, Anthony J.
More companies to help military spouses find jobs
Army employees recognized for work with civilian work force •
Presidential Rank awardees save Army $20 billion
Staniszewski, Marcin Dominik
Servicemembers become U.S. citizens at White House •
Stankowski, John
Inspection team allows flying mission to continue unencumbered
New maintenance group commander taps supervisors to do the right thing
Stanley, Frederick
Mission Partner Environment Cuts Decision Making, Kill Chain
Stansbury, Barbara
Disability Awareness: New technology helping deaf employees
Stanto, Paul T.
Uncertain World Needs Award-Winning IT, Cyber Professionals, DOD Official Says
Stanton, Edgar E.
Army budget considers Soldiers, families, training
FY11 budget includes $400 million for re-enlistment bonuses
Stanton, Edwin
Two Civil War Soldiers Receive Medal of Honor, Inducted Into Hall of Heroes
Stanton, John
Melting Arctic ice will present new challenges
Stark, Jonathan
Soldiers learn lessons in transition at H-3 conference •
Starkweather, Carolyn S.
Deployed senior noncommissioned officers offered course in leadership
States, William P.
Army needs Soldiers to get amped up for Prime Power
Staton, Hilliard
Vets honored by Korean government, recall wartime experiences •
Stauffer, Lyndsay
Child-care test program provides peace of mind
Stebbins, Jeff
Urgent Acquisition Effort Provides Safe COVID-19 Patient Transport in 95 Days
Stebel, Eric
Net Zero conference begins in Chicago •
Stefanik, Elise
Ground-breaking Soldiers, vets attend State of Union
Stephens, Andrew J.
AFDW honors administrative professionals
Stephens, Eddie
Sexual assault prevention policy to focus on changing social norms
Stephens, William
Warfighters Need ‘Uncompromised’ Technology, Official Says
Stern, Emily
Making better dummies to save lives •
Stern, Gail
Sexist humor more than just offensive, expert says
Stevens, Carolyn S.
Survey Says: Majority of Spouses Satisfied With Military Life
During COVID-19, Use of Non-Medical Family Counseling Remains Strong
Stevens, Lois
G-1, Pentagon employees remember 9/11 fallen •
Stevens, Mike D.
SMA outlines top Army priorities to lawmakers on Capitol Hill •
Stevens, Phil Walking Shield
Walking Shield helps American Indians
Stevens, Ted
DOD Announces Center to Collaborate on, Advance Shared Interests in Arctic Region
Regional Centers Central to Security Cooperation, Agency Director Says
Deputy Defense Secretary Departs This Weekend for Alaska
Stevens, William E.
Mentors program gives officers someone to look up to
Stevenson, Mitchell H.
Army Creates New Branch for Logistics Officers
Army to balance Iraq drawdown, reset for least impact on Soldiers
Stewart, James N.
Survey Says: Majority of Spouses Satisfied With Military Life
Stimson, Robert
Engineers 'BEEF' up Tent City
Stinchcomb, Jason
AF participates in Veterans Day tribute at Redskins' game
Stinchfield, Michael
Army team simulates $5 million Stryker with plywood, touch screens
Stoffel, Matthew
Hill murder trial begins at Bolling
Stokes, Donald H.
New commander for 436th Logistics Group
Stolley, Kent
Fort Lauderdale high schoolers demo robot at AUSA expo •
Stoltenberg, Jens
With Activation of NATO Response Force, U.S. Military Ready to Provide Forces
NATO Chief: There Will Be 'High Price to Pay' for Russian Use of Chemical Weapons
Stoltenberg: Ukraine Can Count on NATO For Long Haul
Stone, Basseal
American flag, Soldiers in Eastern Europe, signify strength of alliance
Stonebraker, Cindy
DOD Commemorates Founding of POW/MIA Advocacy Group •
Stonebraker, Kenneth
DOD Commemorates Founding of POW/MIA Advocacy Group •
Stonesifer, Kristofor T.
Army honors Gold Star Mothers at Pentagon
Stonesifer, Ruth V.
Army honors Gold Star Mothers at Pentagon
Stout, Patrick
BBQ shack serves Team Andrews for nearly 20 years
Strank, Michael
Thousands lay wreaths across America •
Stratis-Cullum, Dimitra
Soldier uniforms may one day detect, neutralize biological threats •
Stratton, John
New IMAX film a first for the Air Force
Fighter pilot film about teamwork, thrill of flight
Streeck, Duane
Army Recognizes 85 Organizations for Logistics Excellence •
Street, Towanda
DOD's 2023 Demographics Report Indicates More Women, Fewer Separations
Strickland, Debora
Problems Corrected at Fort Bragg Dorms
Strickland, Tina
ASVAB changes will not mean lower standards
Stroul, Dana
Lebanese Armed Forces Remain Top-Notch Security Partner
DOD to Fund Better Detention Facilities in Syria, But Best Solution is Detainee Repatriation 
U.S., Partners Find Success in Mission to Defeat ISIS
U.S., Gulf Nations Assess Same Threats in Middle East
Defense Official Says U.S. Remains Committed to Middle East
Defense Official Said U.S. Won't Hesitate to Defend Its Troops in Middle East
Strout, Joel
No excuses now for officers not to apply for fellowships, scholarships •
Struk, Jesse
Survival equipment keeps pilots afloat •
Strus, Katherine
AF participates in Veterans Day tribute at Redskins' game
Stultz, Jack C.
Reserve Centennial Headlines April Soldiers Magazine
Reserve looks to preserve Army investment in personnel
Reserve Soldiers 'more relevant' than ever •
Reserve components need equipment to keep Soldiers engaged, onboard
Stutzriem, Lawrence
Army Air Corps weatherman honored for D-Day contributions
Subianto, Prabowo
DOD to Assist in Search for Indonesian Submarine
Suk-yeol, Yoon
DOD Looks at U.S.-South Korea Technology Collaboration
Sullivan, Cecilia
Squadron's double couples team up on F-16 maintenance
Sullivan, Gordon R.
Army Secretary announces 'Year of NCO' at AUSA meeting
Army a mighty engine says former secretary of state •
AUSA kicks off last winter symposium in Florida •
Peacekeeping Institute paying increasing dividends after 20 years
Sullivan, Jake
U.S. Open to Training Ukrainian F-16 Pilots if Needed
DOD Able to Send Additional Assistance to Ukraine Using Unexpected Army Savings
Sullivan, John P.
Transportation Chief: Atrophied deployment skills must be bolstered
Sullivan, Katherine
Award-winning female aviator says challenges same for men as women •
Sullivan, Kevin J.
Air Force improving production with Smart Operations 21
Sullivan, Patrick
Iraqi army 'glad to see' 82nd Airborne
Sumner, James J.
Soldier uniforms may one day detect, neutralize biological threats •
Sunderland, Jerrod
Hill murder trial begins at Bolling
Sundusky, Sue Ann
Language program gives Soldiers head start on deployment
Surrett, Clifford A.
RDECOM program puts Army scientists shoulder-to-shoulder with Soldiers •
Sutherland, David
'Freedom Award' goes to resilient Ranger •
Suzuki, Junji
Yama Sakura builds readiness for I Corps
Svehla, Anthony
Korean War MOH recipients inducted into Hall of Heroes
Svehla, Henry
Korean War MOH recipients inducted into Hall of Heroes
Swann, Ryan
Defense Innovation Board Holds Inaugural Meeting at Pentagon
Swartz, Angela
DAFB inspected for appearance, beautification competition
Sweizer, Jim
Air Force seeks improved retention through GI Bill test program
Online system reduces trips to education office
Swenson, Seth
ONW sponsors help students cut a rug
Swift, Curtis
Swift’s hot ride turns heads •
Swim, Scott
'Apps for Army' to shape future software acquisition
Switzer, Mary E.
Armed Forces Inaugural Committee: Servicemembers to help usher in new president •
Syme, Tavia
Army names top recruiters, career counselors for 2011 •
Szawlowski, Teresa
Department Recognizes 28 Civilian, Military Personnel for Enabling Disability Inclusion


A tiny four-by-four grid of dots. A tiny collection of letters of the alphabet. A tiny representation of the Mandelbrot Set. An oscillator from the Game of Life. A twisty thing. A snowflake.