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3,578 people quoted or mentioned.


Nad, Jaroslav
Slovakian Defense Minister Says Military Spending at 2% Should Be Base, Not Target
Nagata, Michael
Army rescues 3,000 flood victims, delivers tons of supplies in Pakistan
Nagra, Pardeep Singh
Sikhs gather for DOD-sponsored Vaisakhi celebration
Nagro, Benny
Air Force, Korea War vet, visits memorial •
Nak-yon, Lee
Disputes Between U.S. Allies Hinder Indo-Pacific Security Cooperation
Nakasone, Paul M.
Second Army cases colors for fourth time
Cyber Command Expects Lessons From 2018 Midterms to Apply in 2020
Persistent Engagement, Partnerships, Top Cybercom’s Priorities
DOD Cyber Leaders Address Threats, Resilience, Working With Industry
Commander Discusses a Decade of DOD Cyber Power
Technology Proliferation, Influence Ops May Be as Disruptive as COVID-19
In Cyber, Differentiating Between State Actors, Criminals Is a Blur
Cyber Mission Force Set to Add More Teams
CIO Recognizes Top Tech, Cyber Performers Across Defense Department
U.S. Can Respond Decisively to Cyber Threat Posed by China
Namazi, Siamak
40 Years After Hostage Crisis, Iran Remains Hotbed of Terrorism
Nanfito, Gary
Electronic travel system streamlines business process
Nangauta, Jesse
Cyber Flag Exercise Focuses on Partnerships •
Napoli, Andy
Excess facilities must close, Army tells veterans
Napolitano, Janet
Servicemembers become U.S. citizens at White House •
Nardi, Domenick
Soldiers bring care to people in need •
Nattress, Troy
Grafenwoehr shoot house: Like an action movie set •
Naugle, Allen R.
Department Recognizes 28 Civilian, Military Personnel for Enabling Disability Inclusion
Ndaanee, Ledum D.
Servicemembers become U.S. citizens at White House •
Neal, Deedy
Reliable Tempo draws down 13-year combat footprint in Afghanistan
Neatrour, Russell
Young people capable of much responsibility
Nehonov, Irene
Multi-service winners honored at Woman's History Month event •
Nein, Timothy
Army's last draftee serves four decades
Nelms, Jerry
Fitness advisor in a box helps Airmen pass fitness tests •
Nelsen, Tricia
DOD Makes Climate Assessment Tool Available to Partner Nations
Nelson, Bill
Space Plays Larger Role in U.S. Southern Command's Mission
Nelson, Darleen
California retirees, vets, visit Memorial •
Nelson, Erik
President Bush thanks Pentagon troops for service
Nelson, Lester
Rolling Thunder XX rides for POW/MIA awareness •
Nelson, Robert
California retirees, vets, visit Memorial •
Nelson, Tracy
Academy women's volleyball teams compete at Pentagon
Nemelka, Aaron
President says nation will always remember Fort Hood casualties
Netanyahu, Benjamin
U.S., Israeli Leaders Discuss Partnerships, Threats in Middle East
Nett, Robert B.
Nett Warrior to connect Soldiers to each other, leaders
Nettles, Jermarcus
Joint service open house visitors get up-close with Army •
Neubauer, Kurt F.
Airmen honored for earning CCAF degrees
Bolling Airmen experience Asian culture at expo •
Neuberger, Anne
DOD Recognizes Top Technology, Cyber Performers
Newell, Peter A.
REF striving to save energy, lives on battlefield •
Newill, Jim
'Green bullet' as effective as M855 round -- consistently •
Newman, Ryan
Soldiers mentor Scouts at 2010 National Scouts Jamboree •
Ng-A-Qui, Shawna
Misawa pilot does first combat assignment at Incirlik
Nicholson, John
Afghanistan surge won't change plans to up dwell time
Nickless, Dana
Commissary rearranges products
Nielsen, Shannon E.
Exercise leaves imprint on Soldiers, Pacific region
Nikoui, Kareem M.
'Over-the Horizon' Air Strike Kills 2 High-Profile ISIS-K Targets
Nimoy, Leonard
DARPA's mind-controlled robotic arm does everything •
Noble, Earl
AKO 'Go Mobile' to give users virtual desktop in backpack
Nobuo, Kishi
Shared Challenges, Strengthening Alliance at Center of U.S.-Japan Defense Meeting
Nolan, Donald
Army prepared for inaugural contingencies •
Nolan, John
Reserve Centennial Headlines April Soldiers Magazine
Norfleet, Jack
Making better dummies to save lives •
Norman, Cassidy
Marine Corps Wife Earns Honors as Military Spouse of the Year •
Norman, Michelle D.
Marine Corps Wife Earns Honors as Military Spouse of the Year •
Norquist, David L.
Senate Youth Program 'Delegates' Meet DOD Leaders at Pentagon •
Military Officers Guide Students Through Weeklong Senate Youth Program •
DOD Commemorates Founding of POW/MIA Advocacy Group •
DOD Commemorates 75th Anniversary of Paris Liberation
Prisoners of War, Missing in Action, Remembered at Pentagon Ceremony
Norquist: Budget Request Represents 'Next Step' in Implementing Defense Strategy
Military Doing Better Today Than 4 Years Ago, Norquist Says
Despite COVID-19, U.S. Military Remains Ready to Fight
Effective Use of Data in DOD Requires the Right Leaders
Norris, Gary W.
Secretary Recognizes Best Recruiters, Career Counselors •
Norsworthy, Levator
Presidential Rank awardees save Army $20 billion
North, Gary L.
Better intel boosts Air Force munitions drops, sorties flown
Norton, Brize
Royal Air Force airloadmaster sees world, wants to see more
Norton, Gale
Bush: Wright qualities define nation •
Norton, Nancy
DISA Boosts Telework Connections in Response to Pandemic
Norton, Nancy A.
COVID-Related Telework Accelerates DISA's Zero-Trust Adoption
Nowels, Edith T.
Thousands lay wreaths at nation's cemetery •
Nunez, Hilton
Aging Kiowa, vertical unmanned aerial systems among aviation challenges •
Nyusi, Filipe
Austin: Listening to African Partners Critical to Development of Productive Relationships 


A tiny four-by-four grid of dots. A tiny representation of the Mandelbrot Set. An oscillator from the Game of Life. A twisty thing. A snowflake.