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3,651 people quoted or mentioned.


Yamuchi, Shigeto
CafĂ© Mokuteki offers 24-hour-dining, expanded menu, delivery service •
Yang, Hanna
Airmen may be eligible for tax relief
Yarbrough, John
Chock, check, go: EOR airmen perform last critical tasks before flight
Yeager, Charles E.
Aviation conference offers opportunity to network
C-130 crew honored with Mackay Trophy
Yellen, Howard W.
Vice chief kicks off 'Quad A' by recognizing innovators •
Yilmaz, Nusret
Two New Nations Join Program to Provide SATCOM Support to NATO
Yong-hyun, Kim
Israeli Strike in Iran Should Mark End of Tit For Tat Between Two Nations
York, Alvin
Podcast series explores 100-year history of 82nd Airborne Division
Yoshimasa, Hayashi
Shared Challenges, Strengthening Alliance at Center of U.S.-Japan Defense Meeting
Youbanphout, Vannee
Hill murder trial begins at Bolling
Youmans, Mark
DOD Agency Keeps File Swaps Safe •
Young, Anna
Chemical, Biological Defense Community Names Top Performers for 2022
Young, Dave
Medal of Honor awarded to Capt. Gary M. Rose for actions in Laos •
Young, Evan
Smart-mortar will help Soldiers more effectively hit targets •
Young, Gerald
Joint service open house visitors get up-close with Army •
Young, Jeff
Foreign military sales make partnerships strong, keep production lines hot
Young, Liz
Female flag officers honor first woman four-star •
Young, Stuart
Army teaching robots to understand language
Young, Ursula
436th Medical Group takes nine AMC level awards
Yousuf, Imran
Fanning says Army will not judge by gender, race, religion or sexual orientation
Yuan, Yu
Servicemembers become U.S. citizens at White House •
Yuzuik, Tom
Chemical, Biological Defense Community Names Top Performers for 2022


A tiny four-by-four grid of dots. A tiny collection of letters of the alphabet. A tiny representation of the Mandelbrot Set. An oscillator from the Game of Life. A twisty thing. A snowflake.