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Intramural Flag Football MG scores early, often, beats TRANS, 33-0

By Airman 1st Class C. Todd Lopez

DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. (Oct. 16, 1998) -- Rob Howard scored three touchdowns leading the Medical Group to a 33-0 shutout victory over the Transportation Squadron in second-round intramural football playoff action Wednesday night.

The first half of the game was completely dominated by the Medics, with Jason Belcher scoring the first touchdown only five minutes into the contest. Craig Satchell followed up the play by running the ball in for an extra two points.

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Not long after, Steven Hyppolite found the end zone for the second touchdown of the game. The Medics finished the first half with a 20-0 lead as Howard also scored.

In the second half, Howard scored two more touchdowns. An additional extra point brought the final score to a total of 33 for the Medics.

"When we're on our game we play really well," said Medics coach Jamey Pierson, "We really played as a team."

As for hopes of going to the championship this year, coach Pierson said, "We'd like to get in it again and win it all this time."

The Medics romp began a trifecta of shutouts as the Component Repair Squadron defeated the Support Group, 12-0 and Supply bounced the Logistics Support Squadron 20-0.

The winning teams all advanced to the third round of playoff action. The championship contest is scheduled for Tuesday. Ω

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