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No excuses now for officers not to apply for fellowships, scholarships


The dome of the U.S. Capitol Building. An American flag flies in front of it.
The Congressional Fellowship Program is one of eight opportunities that officers can now more easily apply for because of policy changes.

Thousands lay wreaths at nation's cemetery


A wreath made of greenery and a red ribbon leans against a white gravestone. The gravestone says "Andrew D Perkins Jr."
This year, about 85,000 wreaths made their way from Maine to the Arlington National Cemetery to be laid by volunteers at grave stones there, Dec. 10, as part of the 20th annual Wreaths Across America event.

A large yellow truck is on a road inside a cemetery that has dozens of white gravestones.  A wreath is mounted t the front of the truck.
Multiple tractor trailers carried some 85,000 wreaths from Maine to Arlington, Va., for volunteers to lay at the grave stones of those buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Dec. 10, as part of the 20th annual Wreaths Across America event.

A tiny girl in  a pink coat approaches a white gravestone. She carries a wreath that is almost as big as she is.
Anna, 18 months old, of Vienna, Va., lays a wreath at a grave stone at Arlington National Cemetery. This year, about 85,000 wreaths made their way from Maine to the Arlington National Cemetery to be laid by volunteers at grave stones there, Dec. 10, as part of the 20th annual Wreaths Across America event.

Soldier earns German medal for saving ally's life


A man in a suit pins a medal on the chest of a man in a military uniform.
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Peter Ammon, presented Staff Sgt. Peter Woken with the German Medal of Honor for Gallantry in Action -- an award similar to the American Silver Star, during a ceremony, Dec. 8, at the ambassador's home in Washington, D.C.

A man in a German military uniform stands next to a man in an American military uniform.
German Cpl. Tim Focken and Staff Sgt. Peter Woken meet following a ceremony, Dec. 8, at the home of the German ambassador in Washington, D.C. During the event, Woken was awarded the German Medal of Honor for Gallantry in Action -- an award similar to the American Silver Star -- for saving Focken's like in Afghanistan.

A man in a German military uniform hugs a man in an American military uniform.
Staff Sgt. Peter Woken and German Cpl. Tim Focken embrace following a ceremony, Dec. 8, at the home of the German ambassador in Washington, D.C. During the event, Woken was awarded the German Medal of Honor for Gallantry in Action -- an award similar to the American Silver Star -- for saving Focken's like in Afghanistan.

Standing in the middle of a crowd, a military general shakes hand with a sergeant.
Vice Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Peter Chiarelli meets with Staff Sgt. Peter Woken following a ceremony, Dec. 8, at the home of the German ambassador in Washington, D.C. During the event, Woken was awarded the German Medal of Honor for Gallantry in Action -- an award similar to the American Silver Star -- for saving the life of German Corporal Specialist Tim Focken following a conflict in Afghanistan.

Two men in German military uniforms flank a man in an American military uniform.
Army Staff Sgt. Peter Woken, center, was honored at the German embassy for having saved the life of German Corporal Specialist Tim Focken, right, following a conflict in Afghanistan.

Man's best friend helps him deal with PTSD


In a library, a man holds a service dog on a leash.  He speaks with another man.  Others are seated.
Former Soldier, proponent for sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, and author, Luis Carlos Montalván, spoke Nov. 30 at the Pentagon Library about his service dog, "Tuesday." He also spoke about the book he wrote that documents how his struggle with PTSD was aided by "Tuesday."

'Master black belt' cited for leaning medical retention boards


Two men in suits shake hands. Man in a military uniform stands nearby.  Behind them are multiple flags, including the U.S. Army flag.
Under Secretary of the Army Joseph W. Westphal and Lt. Gen. William T. Grisoli, director of the office of business transformation, presented a 2011 Army Lean/Six Sigma Excellence Awards Program award to Shane Wentz, during a ceremony Nov. 29, 2011, at the Pentagon.

LEAP award winners lauded at Pentagon ceremony


More than a dozen people stand together at the front of a room.  Behind them are multiple flags and wall-hanging s which represent the Medal of Honor.
Under Secretary of the Army Joseph W. Westphal and Lt. Gen. William T. Grisoli, director of the office of business transformation, presented the 2011 Army Lean/Six Sigma Excellence Awards Program awards during a Nov. 29, 2011, ceremony at the Pentagon.

EOD techs show Congress bomb disposal tools


A woman, a man in a protective suit for defusing bombs, a man in a suit, and a Soldier stand side by side.  In front of them is a bomb-defusing robot.  Nearby are other pieces of equipment.
Representatives Rick Crawford and Susan Davis, co-chairs of the House EOD Caucus, met with Staff Sgt. Josh Bowden, 55th Explosive Ordnance Disposal, and Pvt. 1st Class Thomas McCockill, 55th EOD (in bomb disposal suit) on Capitol Hill, Nov. 17. The lawmakers asked Soldiers with the 55th Explosive Ordnance Disposal to appear on the Hill to answer questions from lawmakers about their work, and to show off their equipment.

In a room with marble walls, a woman in a military uniform speaks with a woman in a suit.  In the background, Soldiers operate military equipment.
Capt. Emily Spencer, commander, 55th Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit, Fort Belvoir, Va., meets with Congresswoman Susan Davis on Capitol Hill, Nov. 17. Davis, and Congressman Rick Crawford, are co-chairs of the House EOD Caucus. The two asked Soldiers from the 55th EOD to appear on the Hill to answer questions from lawmakers about their work, and to show off their equipment.

More than a dozen people stand together on stairs in a large room. All but two are in military uniforms.
Representatives Rick Crawford and Susan Davis are co-chairs of the House EOD Caucus. The two asked Soldiers with the 55th Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit, Fort Belvoir, Va., to appear on Capitol Hill, Nov. 17, to answer questions from lawmakers about their work, and to show off their equipment.

'Open season' begins for federal employee health care


A woman in a blue shirt operates a blood pressure clamp on the arm of another woman.  The blue shit says "Johns Hopkins" on it.
LeeAnne Wilson checks the blood pressure of a federal employee during a health fair. The fair is meant to showcase insurance providers during the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan "open season," which refers to the time each year when employees are allowed to change options for health care coverage, including dental and vision insurance.

Award-winning female aviator says challenges same for men as women


A woman in a military uniform and a woman in a suit hold a plaque.
Katherine Sullivan, the first American woman to have walked in space, presented Col. Laura J. Richardson, a Black Hawk pilot and commander of the Army's Operational Test Command at Fort Hood, Texas, with the 2011 Women in Aerospace leadership award during a ceremony, Nov. 1, 2011, in Washington, D.C.

Japanese-American vets earn nation's highest civilian honor


A man in a suit presents an award to another man in a  suit.
Rep. John Boehner presents the Congressional Gold Medal to a representative of the 100th Infantry Battalion, Mitsuo Hamasu, during a ceremony Nov. 2, 2011, at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington, D.C. The Congressional Gold Medal is awarded by the American Congress, and is the highest civilian award in the United States. The medal was awarded to Nisei Soldiers -- American sons of Japanese-born parents -- who fought in World War II. Those Soldiers fought as part of segregated, all Japanese-American units that included the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the Military Intelligence Service. The three units together were the most decorated units of that war.

A man in a wheel chair wears a hat that indicates his status as a veteran.  Another man pushes him. Nearby is another man in a wheelchair.
Japanese-American veterans from WWII arrive, Nov. 2, 2011, at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington, D.C., to attend a ceremony to award the Congressional Gold Medal to those Soldiers who served as part of the segregated, all Japanese-American units that included the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the Military Intelligence Service. The three units together were the most decorated units of that war.

In a huge room with marble and pillars, hundreds of people are gathered most of them are sitting and facing towards the front of the room. American flags are on stands.  Multiple statues are in the room.
Hundreds of Japanese-American veterans of WWII and visitors attended a Nov. 2, 2011, ceremony at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington, D.C., to award the Congressional Gold Medal to those Soldiers who served as part of the segregated, all Japanese-American units that included the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the Military Intelligence Service. The three units together were the most decorated units of that war.

40 Bronze Stars awarded to Japanese-American vets


A man in a military uniform interacts with an elderly man who wears a hat that indicates his status as a veteran. Another solider stands nearby.
Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno pins a Bronze Star on George George Joe Sakato, Medal of Honor recipient, Nov. 1, 2011, at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. At the ceremony, 40 World War II Soldiers from the all- Japanese-American units -- the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the Military Intelligence Service -- were awarded the Bronze Star.

A man in a military uniform stands behind a lectern. In the front, a man in a veterans hat watches.
Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno speaks Nov. 1, 2011, at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. At the ceremony, 40 World War II Soldiers from the all-Japanese-American units -- the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the Military Intelligence Service -- were awarded the Bronze Star.

Five people stand side-by-side.  The man in the middle wears a hat that indicates his status as a veteran.  All wear badges that hang from around their neck.
Kelsey Kam, Donna Masuda Kam, Don K. Masuda, Alice Masuda, and Kasey Kam attended a Nov. 1, 2011-ceremony in Washington, D.C., where 40 World War II Soldiers from the all-Japanese-American units -- the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the Military Intelligence Service -- were awarded the Bronze Star. Don Masuda received the Bronze Star for his service in the 442nd during World War II.

REF striving to save energy, lives on battlefield


A hand touches electronic gear on a table. Several boxes and other devices are wired together and sit atop a flexible solar panel.
Equipment on display in the Pentagon's courtyard, Oct. 18, 2011, is designed to let Soldiers recharge the batteries in the equipment they carry using solar power. The result is that Soldiers will need to carry fewer batteries.

Army bracing for more budget cuts, AUSA audience told


A man stands behind a lectern.
During the opening ceremony of the 2011 Association of the United States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, D.C., Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh pointed out that the Army provides 50 to 70 percent of deployable forces. Additionally, he said, the Army represents about half of America's entire fighting force, yet consumes only a quarter to 30 percent of the entire defense budget.

Prescription abuse down, but challenges face wounded warriors


A man in a military uniform stands behind a lectern.  The lectern has a banner that says "U.S. Naval Institute 1873."  Behind the man is a U.S Marine Corps flag and a U.S. Navy flag.
Vice Chief of the Staff of the Army Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli said post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury are "the signature wounds" of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The general spoke Sept. 26, 2011, as a keynote speaker during the 2011 Defense Forum Washington seminar "The Journey Back: Helping Wounded Warriors and their Families Transition."

40 ribbons placed in memory at Pentagon Memorial


A woman ties a ribbon around a metal and stone bench.  A large white and green umbrella is on the ground behind her. It is raining.  In the far background are highway signs. Other similar benches are around her.
Family members, coworkers, and friends of those killed on 9/11 from the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army gathered near the Pentagon Memorial Friday to place "resilience ribbons" on benches dedicated to those lost.

ASAP, Army to fill 130 substance abuse counselor positions


Tiny bottles of alcohol sit on a table next to a glass filled with ice and liquor.  A bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey is tipped over and some drips on the table.
The Army needs 130 additional counselors to help Soldiers who think they might have a problem with alcohol or other drugs.

Prosthesis helps Medal of Honor hero stay with Rangers


A man in a military uniform holds out his right arm, which is a prosthetic.  In the rear is a television screen. His uniform says "Petry" and "U.S. Army."
Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Petry, had the Medal of Honor placed around his neck July 12, 2011, by the president of the United States. During an interview March 30, 2011, he recounted the moment after his hand was taken from him by a grenade during a May 26, 2008, combat operation in Afghanistan.

After 61 years, Korean democracy remains strong


Three men in military uniforms move a wreath.  Other wreaths are nearby.
Lt. Gen. Richard P. Zahner, deputy chief of staff, G-2 and Brig. Gen. Lee, of the Korean military, lay a wreath together, June 24 at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Outdoors, a row of men on the left, in military uniforms, stands before a row of floral wreaths, on the right.
A military officer of the United Kingdom salutes, after having laid a wreath at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., June 24.

A statue of a soldier in a poncho and helmet is situated in front of a black slab wall with engravings on it.  A floral wreath sits in front of the wall.
During a ceremony at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., June 24, U.S. and Korean military officers, as well as the Korean ambassador to the United States, Han Duck-soo, and military attaches from nations involved in the war, laid wreaths to remember the conflict and those who were died fighting in it.

Army thanks Congress for 236 years of support


Six men, some in military uniforms and some in civilian suits cut a cake using a sword.  Behind them is an array of flags, and the "Pledge of Allegiance" is carved into the wall.
Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, Sen. James Inhofe, Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III, Rep. Silvestre Reyes (hidden) and Rep. John Carter participate in the cutting of the Army birthday cake, June 14, 2011, at the Capitol Visitor's Center.

ACU changes make Velcro optional, patrol cap default headgear


A hand removes the Velcro-backed "U.S. Army" tape from a uniform.
Recently announced changes to the Army Combat Uniform involve allowing Soldiers to sew on certain items to their uniform in lieu of using the provided Velcro. (Photo illustration)

'Freedom Award' goes to resilient Ranger


A man in a military uniform is holding an award. He is flanked by another man in a military uniform and a man in a civilian suit.  Behind them the wall is lit up in red lighting. Several flags are in the rear.
Col. David Sutherland and Sen. Joseph Lieberman present Sgt. Joseph R. Kapacziewski (center) with the "No Greater Sacrifice" Freedom Award May 24.

Soldiers showcase combat equipment at Andrews JSOH


A small boy stands atop a military tank. Kneeling next to him is a soldiers, who talks with him.  Others stand nearby. A U.S. flag flies in the background.
Master Sgt. Herbert Mowrey, 2-8 Cav., 1st BCT, 1st Cav. Div., talks with a youth about the Abrams M1A2 SEPv2 tank that was on display, May 20, during the 2011 Joint Service Open House at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

A soldier helps a small boy put on a military helmet.
Private 1st Class Paul Gorham, 2-8 Cav., 1st BCT, 1st Cav. Div., helps a visitor don a crew helmet aboard the Abrams M1A2 SEPv2 tank that was on display, May 20, during the 2011 Joint Service Open House at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

Two young boys peer out of an open hatch on a military vehicle. A soldier sits at the edge of the opening.
Sgt. Scott Jense, 2-5 Cav., 1st BCT, 1st Cav. Div., talked with visitors about and kept things safe aboard the Bradley A3 combat vehicle that was on display, May 20, during the 2011 Joint Service Open House at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

A small boy wears a military helmet with built-in headphones.  His hands are grasping at his head, holding the helmet in place.
Private 1st Class Paul Gorham, 2-8 Cav., 1st BCT, 1st Cav. Div., helps a visitor don a crew helmet aboard the Abrams M1A2 SEPv2 tank that was on display, May 20, during the 2011 Joint Service Open House at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

A small, smiling boy sits atop a military tank and straddles the tank's gun barrel.  Another boy is nearby.  In the background other people are also standing on top of the tank.
A boy explores the Abrams M1A2 SEPv2 tank that was on display, May 20, during the 2011 Joint Service Open House at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

Outdoors, a young man in a red hat does pull-ups on a metal bar.  A man in a military uniform stands below and watches.  Behind them is a large vehicle with graphics on the side, including the U.S. Army logo.  In the far background is an airplane, people in a crowd, and other military vehicles.
A young man does pull ups, May 20, during the 2011 Joint Service Open House at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

'Green bullet' as effective as M855 round -- consistently


A soldier fires a rifle.  The copper shell casing flies off to the right.  Another soldiers sits behind him with a scope.
Staff Sgt. Jason Hopkins fires an M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle, using a 7.62mm M80 round against a 3/8 inch mild steel plate at 300 meters. The test firing was part of a demonstration to show the effectiveness of the 5.56mm M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round, or EPR, compared to rounds like the M80 and the M855, May 4, 2011, at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. The EPR was the only round to penetrate the steel.

Outdoors, a man in a suit points at a sheet metal square mounted on a wooden rig. The metal square has been damaged by gun fire.
Jim Newill explains the effectiveness of the Army's 5.56mm M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round fired from an M4 Carbine against a 3/8 inch mild steel plate, and compares its performance against that of a 7.62mm M80 round fired from an M14, during a test fire event at Aberdeen Proving Ground, May 4, 2011. The M80 round, unlike the M855A1 round, was unable to penetrate the plate at 300 meters.

Three soldiers peer into the engine compartment of a vehicle.
Maj. Kralyn Thomas, Staff Sgt. Jason Hopkins and Pvt. 1st Class Scott Lafferty do battle damage assessment on a truck that was used for target practice on a range at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. Both Hopkins and Lafferty fired weapons, May 4, 2011, at the range as part of a demonstration to show the effectiveness of the Army's 5.56mm M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round.

An image shows two types of bullets, both in full and a cross section.  To the left is a scale indicating the size of the largest bullet at 1 inch.  Beneath are the words "5.56 M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round" and "5.56 M855 NATO Round." The first bullet appears to contain two metals and its jacket is rear-drawn, leaving the metal tip exposed. The bullet on the right also contains two metals but its jacket is drawn from the front.
The 5.56mm M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round, on the left, is also called the "green bullet," because it contains no lead. It instead uses a copper core with a steel penetrator. The 5.56mm NATO round, on the right, uses a lead core.

Army names top recruiters, career counselors for 2011


A man in a suit walks down a row of soldiers.  He shakes hands with a female soldier.
Under Secretary of the Army Joseph W. Westphal greets Sgt. 1st Class Tavia Syme, Army National Guard Recruiter/Retention Noncommissioned Officer of the Year, following the 2011 Secretary of the Army Career Counselor and Recruiter of the Year Awards at the Pentagon.

Stateside Lakota deliveries let Black Hawks go to theater


A man in a civilian suit and a man in a military uniform sit at a table.  The soldier has a microphone.  Behind them is a helicopter with a National Guard logo on the side.
Gregory Gore and Col. John Thurgood spoke April 20, 2011, at a press conference regarding the Lakota program during the 2011 Army Aviation Association of America's Annual Professional Forum and Exposition in Nashville, Tenn.

Students demo new learning technology at Quad-A


A woman and a man in a military uniform look at a television screen that appears to be part of a display at a conference.
Staff Sgt. David Dunlap, an instructor at the United States Army Aviation Logistics School, Fort Eustis, Va., demonstrates the use of a trainer designed to help armament avionics electrical repairmen find faults in the AH-64 Longbow Apache. The technology was on display on the show floor at the 2011 Army Aviation Association of America's Annual Professional Forum and Exposition in Tennessee.

Aviators set 'aim point' for future vertical-lift aircraft


Three male soldiers stand around a rifle that is mounted on what appears to be a mockup of the side of a combat vehicle or helicopter.  A label on the rifle says "No handhold."
Spc. Jose Palomino, Spc. James Cobb, and Spc. Kenneth Waller, look at a modified M240 machine gun that is mounted in a mock-up door frame from a CH-47 Chinook helicopter during the 2011 Army Aviation Association of America's Annual Professional Forum and Exposition in Tennessee. The M240's turret mount has been modified to ensure the weapon doesn't hit the window frame.

SMA says retention-control points to shape force


A man in a military uniform sits with other uniformed men at a table, and speaks into a microphone.  In the background, civilians sit against the wall.
During his first appearance on Capitol Hill, March 30, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III discussed the Army's temporary end-strength initiative and ensuing force reductions before the House Appropriations Committee, defense subcommittee.

Army tells Congress Iraq on track to transition by year's end


A man in a suit sits at a table and talks into a microphone.  Behind him is a uniformed man.
Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh spoke March 16, on Capitol Hill, before the House Appropriations Committee, Defense subcommittee, regarding Army budget and posture. The secretary was accompanied by Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr.

America pays final respects to last WWI veteran


In a room with marble walls and pillars, a coffin is draped in an American flag.  A soldier stands at attention nearby.  Other soldiers are also standing at attention in the far background.
A guard from the 3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) stands watch over the flag-draped casket of Cpl. Frank W. Buckles in the Memorial Amphitheater Chapel at Arlington National Cemetery. Buckles, who died Feb. 27 at 110 years old, was America's last World War I veteran.

Military chefs soup up skills at culinary competition


A young man in a chef's outfit uses a large knife to cut food.  Behind him are signs on a refrigerator that say "Station #3" and "USAREUR."
Spc. Oscar Alvardo, stationed out of Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii, won a gold medal for the Hawaii team in the junior chef of the year competition that was part of the 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition, March 3-9, at Fort Lee, Va.

A young man in a chef's outfit holds a plate of food.
Spc. Bennett Rodriguez, stationed at Fort Story, Va., earned a bronze medal for his team as part of the team buffet portion of the 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition, March 3-9, at Fort Lee, Va.

Two men carve a dragon-shaped ice sculpture.
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeff Lein and his team from the U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Airborne), out of Fort Bragg, N.C. carved a dragon from a block of ice as part of the ice carving competition during the 36th Annual Culinary Arts Competition, March 3-9, at Fort Lee, Va.

Dempsey pledges as CSA to serve Soldiers every day


A man in a military uniform with many ribbons sits and speaks into a microphone.  Two other people are behind him and to his right.
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, was on Capitol Hill before the Senate Armed Services Committee, March 3, to answer questions from Senators regarding his fitness to serve as the 37th chief of staff of the Army. He was nominated for the position by President Barack Obama. The general's wife, Deanie Dempsey, and their son, Maj. Chris Dempsey, were seated behind him during his testimony.

Isolation develops keen sense of community on Kwajalein


A white beach and blue ocean with blue skies and white clouds.
The island is surrounded by blue ocean and lined with white coral beaches.

In a tropical setting, multiple individuals ride bicycles on a paved road.  A water tower stands in the background amidst palm trees and other buildings.
A central part of life on Kwajalein is the downtown area, where the post office, the exchange and other retail establishments are located.

A sign post shows the distance of various cities, including Washington DC at 7,156 miles; Sydney at 2,210 miles; Wake Island at 637 miles; and Tokyo at 2240 miles.
Kwajalein is a long way from everywhere.

A sea turtle's head pops out of the water.
The turtle pond on Kwajalein Island.

A stained glass window depicts a soldier down on one knee, a U.S. flag, and other tropical elements.
The base chaple on Kwjalein Island.

In a tropical setting, dome-shaped houses sit along a concrete road.  Palm trees are seen behind the homes.  The sky is overcast.
Kwajalein base housing.

Digging for history in the Kwajalein Atoll


A draw in a flat file is opened, revealing a variety of photos.  A woman stand in front of the drawer.
Leslie Mead looks through her Kwajalein's collection of memorabilia and World War II and U.S. military related ephemera.

A piece of old military hardware, including two large gun barrels, rusts in a tropical environment.  Palm trees surround.
On Roi-Namur, weapons systems still stand that were once owned and operated by the Japanese for use during their occupation of Kwajalein.

A man in an orange shirt holds what appear to be two small bombs.  He stands in a parking lot.
Brian Bussey serves as an unexploded ordnance technician on Kwajalein.

Kwajalein's good neighbor policy


A man in a military uniform wears a lei.  He is on a boat and under an awning. He reaches off the boat to the shore and hands something to a boy who is there.
Col. Joseph N. Gaines, commander, U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, gives his rank insignia to a boy on Carlos island.

A man in a military uniform weirs a lei around his neck.  He talks with a woman in a floral dress.  Palm trees surround them. A civilian man in a blue shirt also wears a lei.
Col. Joseph N. Gaines, commander, U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, and an ASAKA community relations specialist, listen to a Marshallese woman's concerns about water issues on Carlos Island.

A small boy wearing only a diaper squats on a sidewalk and picks up a stone.
About half the population of Ebeye Island is under 18 years of age.

A cemetery in a tropical location.  Dozens of white headstones. Some have black crosses on them.  A palm tree stands in the middle.
A cemetery on Ebeye Island.

A boy holds onto the bars of scaffolding.  Another child climbs the scaffolding.
About half the population of Ebeye Island is under 18 years of age.

Five children squat in the sand and play with marbles.  In the rear are a variety of small structures. One is painted blue.
About half the population of Ebeye Island is under 18 years of age.

Up, up and away! Weather forecast critical to missile launch


A man ties something to the bottom of a weather balloon.
Mark Bradford, the lead meteorologist at Kwajalein, ties a a weather balloon to launch into the atmosphere.

A man points to one of three television screens on a wall.  They appear to display weather satellite information.
Mark Bradford, lead meteorologist, is responsible for ensuring the weather over the island will cooperate with the mission.

In the middle a field, a man launches a weather balloon.  In the background is a small building and a tree line of palms.
Mark Bradford, the lead meteorologist at Kwajalein, prepares a weather balloon and sensor to launch into the atmosphere. He and his team conduct two such launches every day.

Kwajalein boasts a nurturing academic environment for students


A man talks to several teenagers.
Principal Al Robinson speaks with students at the Kwajalein Junior-Senior High School.

Outside what appears to be a school building, two teenagers each mount a bicycle.  Around them are other bicycles and children.
Most everyone on Kwajalein rides a bike--to work, to school and to the grocery store.

A school building sits amidst palm trees. An American flag on a pole flies on the right side.
Kwajalein Junior-Senior High School.

A brown sign reads "Kwajalein Jr.-Sr. High School."  Palms and buildings are in the background.
Kwajalein Junior-Senior High School.

Logistics of remote-island service


A cargo ship is docked at a port.  It holds multi-colored containers.  Several cranes are mounted to the surface of the ship.  One cargo container is being lowered to the dock.
The Islander cargo ship is the chief supply line for Kwajalein Atoll.

A piece of industrial machinery with a large claw moves refuse into a large container with a lid that is flipped up. A smoke stack and incinerator is on the right side.
A triple chamber incinerator burns garbage on the island, leaving only a fine ash and heat as the byproducts.

A room has four stainless steel canisters with tubing coming out from the top. On the right, a grated floor.  In the background is other equipment.
Both fresh and brackish water on Kwajalein is purified using a reverse osmosis system to make potable water for drinking and showering.

Two hands hold what appears to be sand, but is in fact ground-up glass. There is a stainless steel watch-like band on the left wrist.
Glass is recycled and ground up on Kawjalein Island.

Island paradise for missile defense


Near a short building, a radar dish points towards a blue sky with puffy white clouds.  Palm trees are seen all around. A cargo container reads "Hyundai."
The ALTAIR (VHF/UHF) is a tracking radar on Roi-Namur. It is part of the Kiernan ReEntry Measurement Site.

A building with a radar dish on top. To the right is a golf ball-shaped radar dome.  The sky is darkened with grey clouds.
The TRADEX (L-/S- Band) system in the center is a tracking radar, while the ALCOR (C- Band) system in the dome is an imaging radar. Both are part of the Kiernan ReEntry Measurement Site on Roi-Namur.

From a high altitude, water from the ocean is seen washing up on an island that has buildings and radar domes.
Kwajalein Island in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands.

Two five-petaled red flowers and greenery.
A flower in Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands.

Two white birds sit on a branch amidst the leaves of a palm tree.
Two birds in a tree on Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands.

Across a large body of blue and blue-green water are trees and a large golf-ball like radar dome.
Kwajalein Island in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands.

Army requests $29.5 billion less than last year


A man in a military uniform and a woman in a black suit sit behind a wooden table with a Department of Defense seal on the front. Behind them is an American flag, blue drapes, and sign that has an image of the Pentagon on it which reads "The Pentagon - Washington."  Other people sit towards the front of the room and look at them.
Maj. Gen. Phillip E. McGhee, director, Army Budget, and Barbara L. Bonessa, deputy director, Army Budget, discussed the Army's Fiscal Year 2012 budget request, Feb. 14, at the Pentagon.

Army foundation unveils commemorative coins


A man in a suit stands behind a lectern.  To his right is a large mock-up of a gold coin. It says "Liberty - 2011 - In God We Trust." Behind the man is an American flag.
During a ceremony Jan. 31, at the Pentagon, retired Brig. Gen. Creighton W. Abrams Jr. said the sale of three new coins from the U.S. Mint, which feature Army-themed scenes, will help with construction of the National Museum of the United States Army.

MOH recipient Giunta honored by fellow Iowans on Hill


A man in a military uniform holds a frame.  He has a medal on a blue ribbon around his neck. he is flanked by seven civilian men, three on one side, four on the other.
Medal of Honor recipient Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, center, was honored Jan. 26, on Capitol Hill, by a delegation of lawmakers from Iowa - Giunta's home state. The lawmakers included Rep. Tom Latham, Sen. Tom Harkin, Sen. Chuck Grassley, Rep. Leonard L. Boswell, Rep. Dave Loebsack, Rep. Steve King and Rep. Bruce L. Braley. The lawmakers presented Giunta with a framed copy of a joint resolution of Congress.


A tiny four-by-four grid of dots. A tiny representation of the Mandelbrot Set. An oscillator from the Game of Life. A twisty thing. A snowflake.