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2,131 articles published and 1,655,934 words written.


12/30/2008: Soldiers, civilians get pay increase in new year •
12/19/2008: More Soldiers now eligible for TSGLI
12/17/2008: Language, cultural learning important to Army mission
12/16/2008: Solar power helping light streets of Iraq
12/15/2008: Thousands lay wreaths across America •
12/09/2008: Language program gives Soldiers head start on deployment
11/26/2008: Armed Forces Inaugural Committee: Servicemembers to help usher in new president •
11/25/2008: Army science conference to focus on 'disruptive technology'
11/21/2008: Policy change allows experienced Soldiers to serve longer
11/19/2008: Login changes to bolster AKO security
11/17/2008: New EW career field to 'blind enemy' with science
11/14/2008: Outgoing general: FCS success credit to evaluators
11/13/2008: Army looks to new technology for possible follow-on to M-4
11/07/2008: Warrior Care: Survivability begins with Soldier •
11/04/2008: New Army office focuses on energy diversity, security
11/01/2008: Star Wars training for downrange action! •
11/01/2008: Grafenwoehr shoot house: Like an action movie set •
11/01/2008: Soldiers get in the game with DISE
11/01/2008: Digital University: Training without sweating •
10/29/2008: Army awards development contracts for JLTV
10/24/2008: NIMH to study factors that cause suicide •
10/22/2008: Language company first in Army
10/17/2008: New AFRICOM faces challenges, says Army analyst
10/15/2008: Soldiers using FCS systems responsible for increased funding •
10/14/2008: Army Material Command garners six awards for process improvement •
10/09/2008: Army a mighty engine says former secretary of state •
10/08/2008: Chief says NCO corps glue holding Army together •
10/06/2008: Two Reserve component Soldiers named Army's best warriors •
10/06/2008: Army Secretary announces 'Year of NCO' at AUSA meeting
10/03/2008: Soldiers compete to be named best at warrior competition •
10/01/2008: Soldiers learn lessons in transition at H-3 conference •
09/23/2008: Final housing privatization partners chosen •
09/16/2008: Two Army libraries named best in federal government •
09/12/2008: G-1, Pentagon employees remember 9/11 fallen •
09/10/2008: Pentagon employee recounts experience in wake of terrorist attack
09/08/2008: Army celebrates century of military aviation •
09/05/2008: Army discusses 25 years of progress with families •
09/02/2008: Army school helps recruits meet requirement for enlistment
08/21/2008: Army releases message announcing new service uniform
07/31/2008: Sexual assault prevention policy to focus on changing social norms
07/24/2008: JTF-East training rotating from Romania to Bulgaria •
07/17/2008: Training tool deploying for first time in August •
07/03/2008: Transition team experience makes officers competitive for promotion
07/02/2008: DOD sets joint standards for enlistee waivers
07/01/2008: Enlistment marks 35th year of volunteer Army •
06/29/2008: Transformation in Korea
06/29/2008: Soldiers in Korea get full-spectrum training
06/29/2008: Life on the DMZ
06/26/2008: FCS capability accelerated for infantry •
06/26/2008: Iraqi army shows great growth in year
06/18/2008: Minnesota Guard Recruiters Top of Nation
06/13/2008: Tech Demo Part of Army Birthday at Pentagon •
06/12/2008: NLOS-C Unveiled on Capitol Hill •
06/09/2008: Secretary Begins Army Birthday With Myer Youth •
06/04/2008: Army Recognizes 85 Organizations for Logistics Excellence •
06/03/2008: Birthday Book to Help Youth Better Understand Army
05/30/2008: First FCS Manned Vehicle to Make Public Debut
05/22/2008: Chicago-area Entrepreneurs Get Inside Story on Army
05/06/2008: Army Has Not Lowered Soldier Recruiting Standards
05/05/2008: Ladies of Arlington Never Miss Final Salute •
04/30/2008: Problems Corrected at Fort Bragg Dorms
04/23/2008: CSA: Guard, Reserve Serve as Connection Between Army, Society •
04/21/2008: 12-Month Deployments to Reduce Stress, Build Depth
04/11/2008: Soldier Body Armor was Tested, General Says •
04/07/2008: Detainees Treated Fairly Says New Guantanamo Deputy
04/01/2008: Six Honored for Journalistic Excellence at Public Affairs Worldwide •
03/26/2008: Secretary Recognizes Best Recruiters, Career Counselors •
03/25/2008: Center Brings Lessons from Field to Soldiers
03/21/2008: Reserve Centennial Headlines April Soldiers Magazine
03/19/2008: Bush on 5 Years: Removing Saddam Right Decision •
03/07/2008: Army, State Department Partner on Stability Operations
03/06/2008: New Combat Chow Options Previewed at Pentagon •
03/04/2008: PEO Soldier: Modernization at Good Value
02/29/2008: Soldiers More Than Understand Full-Spectrum Operations
02/28/2008: Future Combat Vehicles to be Hybrid Electric •
02/26/2008: Army Acquisition Efforts Contribute to Economic Boom in Iraq
02/25/2008: Stability Operations Now Part of Army’s Core Mission
02/20/2008: Army Realizes Energy Savings with Housing Privatization
02/15/2008: Pushing Men out of Airplanes Kept Him in Army •
02/08/2008: Geren Says Soldiers Moved Heaven and Earth to Repair Army Medicine •
02/06/2008: Army Partners with KU for Wounded Warrior Education •
02/05/2008: 2009 Budget Request Includes Funding for 43,000 End Strength Increase •
02/01/2008: Commission says Guard, Reserves Must Be Backbone of Homeland Ops
01/31/2008: Army Meeting 2008 Recruiting Goals
01/29/2008: Army Testing Privatized Housing for Unaccompanied Soldiers
01/17/2008: Chief Outlines Plan to Get Army Back in Balance
01/17/2008: Army Aims to Better Identify Soldiers with Brain Injuries
01/14/2008: Vice Chief Credits Training for Aviation Record
01/11/2008: Active First Program Helping Army Meet Recruiting Goals •
01/09/2008: Deadline for Freedom Award Nominations Approaching
01/01/2008: Doggone cute


A tiny four-by-four grid of dots. A tiny representation of the Mandelbrot Set. An oscillator from the Game of Life. A twisty thing. A snowflake.