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2,195 articles published and 1,697,232 words written.


12/20/2004: Portal allows Airmen to chat with friends, family
12/15/2004: New agreement will strengthen network security
12/09/2004: Air Force merging information technology offices
12/06/2004: Amputee pilot back in the cockpit
12/03/2004: Fighter pilot film about teamwork, thrill of flight
11/29/2004: New EEO process optimizes complaint resolution
11/24/2004: New IMAX film a first for the Air Force
11/19/2004: Jumper: AEF has been successful
11/19/2004: Air Force working to fix pay issues
11/15/2004: AF participates in Veterans Day tribute at Redskins' game
11/08/2004: Paper LES program shredded to make way for digital delivery
11/05/2004: Military family support professionals gather
11/04/2004: Deployed Airmen getting new physical training uniform first
10/21/2004: Drug testing program targets those most likely to use
10/14/2004: Postal agency sets overseas holiday mailing dates, policies
10/12/2004: Roche, Jumper ‘wear test’ Osprey •
09/12/2004: Total Force provides CAS to troops in Najaf
09/05/2004: Blood in, blood out: Life giving fluid transport
08/29/2004: Humidity is key in keeping cool •
08/22/2004: PT helps Coalition partners stay fit
08/15/2004: Survival equipment keeps pilots afloat •
08/06/2004: Deployed painter makes gray barriers her canvas •
07/30/2004: Deployed senior noncommissioned officers offered course in leadership
07/23/2004: Desert Hawk gives security forces an eye in sky •
07/16/2004: New maintenance group commander taps supervisors to do the right thing
07/09/2004: New group commander likens role to mayor
06/29/2004: General revises clothing policy for Airmen deploying to SWA
06/25/2004: Inspection team allows flying mission to continue unencumbered
06/04/2004: Standard AEF deployment length stretches to 120 days
06/04/2004: Commanders must lead efforts to combat sexual assaults
05/28/2004: Future total-force concept aims to increase combat capability
05/04/2004: Exhibit illustrates French, American cooperation
05/03/2004: Presence policy helps define expeditionary force
04/29/2004: Prevention, screening allow Airmen to come home healthy
04/21/2004: ASVAB changes will not mean lower standards
04/20/2004: Online system reduces trips to education office
04/14/2004: Foundation seeking inputs for Air Force memorial
04/13/2004: Travel cardholders have online-payment option
04/09/2004: Software helps Airmen track fitness progress
04/08/2004: Air Force recognized for ethics program
04/02/2004: Air Force wants new human-resources system
03/30/2004: Air Force seeks to eliminate inadequate housing
03/24/2004: Ethics regulations guide Airmen in political activities
03/18/2004: Mentors program gives officers someone to look up to
03/11/2004: Air Force avoiding Draconian measures while shaping force
03/10/2004: Moseley: Airmen doing tremendous work
03/05/2004: Walking Shield helps American Indians
03/05/2004: F/A-22 required for deep strike against enemy threats
03/03/2004: Air Force: Manpower unevenly distributed
03/01/2004: Portal provides information, access, instant messaging
02/26/2004: Air Force leader discusses U.S. space program
02/25/2004: Raptor program still flies
02/20/2004: Air Force brings DFAS airmen back on base
02/20/2004: Free software must be returned
02/13/2004: Air Force ready for 2005 BRAC
02/13/2004: Human factor is primary cause of aviation mishaps
02/03/2004: Fleet Viability Board provides longevity assessment
01/26/2004: Changes in law environmental friendly
01/21/2004: Five servicemembers laid to rest
01/13/2004: AF committing 2,000 airmen to war
01/08/2004: Leaders do first official PT test
01/06/2004: More airmen may live off base


A tiny four-by-four grid of dots. A tiny collection of letters of the alphabet. A tiny representation of the Mandelbrot Set. An oscillator from the Game of Life. A twisty thing. A snowflake.