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Air Force Portal provides reduced sign-on to myPay

By Staff Sgt. C. Todd Lopez

WASHINGTON (March 15, 2005) -- Airmen have one less password to remember thanks to a new link between the Air Force Portal and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service myPay Web site.

With much of the Air Force transitioning from face-to-face customer service to online self-help Web sites, many Airmen are left with several passwords, login names and Web addresses to remember.

A pentagon icon.

For Airmen, the Air Force Portal has eliminated much of the trouble of remembering all those passwords and login names. And recently, designers of the portal and DFAS maintainers teamed up to enable Airmen to remember one less password.

Airmen can now have the portal remember their login name and password for myPay, the DFAS online site for pay information, leave and earnings statements, tax forms and allotments. The change makes it easier for Airmen to access their information online, and is another example of how the portal is making life easier for Airmen to get the information they need, said Richard P. Gustafson, Air Force financial management chief information officer.

"This has made easy access to pay information available to all Airmen across the entire community," Mr. Gustafson said. "Integration of applications such as myPay is just one example of the power of the Air Force Portal to our organization. Each new capability that is added increases the value of the portal and makes our lives just a little easier."

To take advantage of the new feature, portal users must already have an active myPay account.

After logging on to the portal, users can click "Applications" on the right side of the screen and then scroll down to "myPay (E/MSS)." When they click the myPay link, the portal will create a dialogue box to help guide them through the setup process.

Setup requires entering the user’s login ID and PIN for myPay. Once set up, users need only log into the portal and click the myPay link to get instant access to their pay information.

Having to remember many user passwords is one of the reasons the portal was created. The idea is called "reduced sign-on" and the portal does it for myriad Air Force information applications and Web sites.

Reduced sign-on is beneficial because it eliminates the need for multiple passwords and login names, and it provides a single and consistent login interface and deters the most common threat to network security -- users writing down their passwords, Mr. Gustafson said.

Visit the Air Force Portal at

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